Hi guys, I hope you all are doing great.
I want to share my story starting from class 8 when I was in Kolkata. This was my new school as I shifted from Nagpur. Before 8th standard, I was above avg student everything was smooth, but as I landed in the city of joy, there was no joy for me in terms of my academics📚. My score drastically decreased . I still remember my mid-exam result it was like 8/25 11/25… and even just passed in maths and science and many started calling me single digit😶. But most of the time, when I analyzed my paper, I found that the answer is not written in 8 the std textbook but in 9 the std and teaches famous dialog "write only what is written in Ncert don't try to be smart. 😑" Days pass no improvement just barely pass in subjects like bio-history and end up with getting around 55% in class 8🙄. And in class 9th, I change my strategy to study less Raata More ya it really helps school teachers don't care about how much knowledge you have if you are writing exactly from ncert you are topper. So I tried this strategy, ya it really worked. I remembered my score19.5/20🤨. This was my best score in chemistry in my class by using my strategy only Raata, but I didn't enjoy this process and finally in my 9th std ended with around 67%😒. Now here comes class 10th, the best dialog you hear from your relatives teaches-" this is your life-changing exam" I also started playing football for my school team and also had joined Football club where I practice every weekend. This is result of the football tournament which I played for my school team 1 draw 2 losses no one was serious, (Even I could not make it perfect, which I realized after failing- learned a lot from this, and definitely, I will not make the same mistake during inter IIT🧐). The only memory the school has is they got a photo of mine( school football team ) in the school magazine📘. Coming back to acad part started doing more raata one thing I forgot to tell you I also joined FIITJEE in class 9th for 2 years, the same story consider as a weak student 3 of us, me my friend X and random guy Y in the batch of 30 students. So nothing is going great for me in this city of joy. After doing all ratification for so-called most important exam, it ended with 84.5%. I also failed in NTSE exam😑. At this point, I was in Kota. Let's rewind back to how I decided to go to Kota because my parents wanted to and I wanted a change so I gave Resonance scholarships test and got around 50% scholarship😎. I was happy as I got 0% when I gave Fiitjee scholarship test and just 15 after I completed my board's exam. I went to Kota.🚞
I hope everyone is aware of the batch system of Kota for top students zais batch fixed and for students like us IP PA1 PA2…….PA8 C1…. top to bottom. In Resonance their is 2 shuffling in class 11 and 1 in class 12.
Initially, these none fixed batch are just random even those who got 99.6% in boards 😳was sitting in our batch PA1 initially. After 2 exams completely screwing up got C1 batch in my first shuffling. Some facts about this batch are it's a 10th batch and success rate of cracking jee mains is 1% and advance is obviously 0%😟, so the best part is I was loving what I was doing now there is not raata 🤓(inorganic is taught at last) we were 3 of us who got demoted from PA1 to C1 we came more closer started sharing our doubt and enjoying subject more. I remember in the first test I got rank around 850 and in the second test I got 221 and here is the best life lesson for me I became overconfident and started to show off my rank to everyone but in 3rd test, I got 1022 rank this hit me hard but I kept on going I started following my strategy 😎by simply setting goals and achieving it my next target was 400 ranks but I didn't achieve it but end up somewhere around 600 now batch shuffle again and I got PA5.🙂 only 3 of us got such a high promotion from the C1 batch. The difference between PA5 and C1 is your surrounding, solving more tough problems, speed increases, and it was taking time to get synchronized. I kept my strategy same able to achieve 400 ranks in my first test. Days pass batch shuffle again now I got PA3 starting of class 12. Here it took me a lot of time to get synchronized with the teacher for nearly one month now vacation started everyone was at their home and just going to return to Kota corona came and lockdown everywhere. Online classes started 😕feeling boards and in the first online test, I score 120/360 which I used to get in the C1 batch. That time I was losing myself I was not focused, then I started analyzing myself. I didn't want to waste my last year's hard work, so I began to watch recorded videos, and I also started to refer to a lot of reference books which helps me to gain confidence and improve my focus.
In the next shuffling, which no one had expected due to online classes, I got PA1 batch nothing to flex 😕🥺about my batch as we used to do during offline classes.
Time passes. Pressure 😥starts increasing when mostly in nov onwards when you have to revise everything that you have learned and also, simultaneously, classes are also going this time I organize myself I made a daily schedule started revising those topics mostly from class 11.
At the end of Dec I started scoring very less as the exam syllabus is from the recent topics, which I didn't complete perfectly. My score went to 92–97/360. Ignoring this was very difficult for me😭. In Mid Jan the syllabus got over, and I, with my mother, went to Kota for the board practical and Jee mains exam. I was well prepared for jee main except I did read Ncert stuff, but that was primarily asked in my first attempt, so, in my second attempt, I just read the Ncert, and I scored slightly better, and I was also well prepared for Jee Advance, which I mainly focus. Now start preparing for 3rd attempt, but Corona started increasing 😩exam postponed again. The same boring scenario 😫started ( my friends were also not in Kota ). So I already studied so much in these 2 years, and maintaining the consistency just to wait till Jee Advance without a proper deadline was very difficult😞. After canceling of board exam, we came back to our home. Finally, the exam date was announced. I gave jee Mains and Bitsat( score terrible) just like mock after both attempts as I focused mainly on Jee advance and mostly solved past year question papers and lots of mock tests (advance level). I face a problem besides study as we live near the market, but I can handle that much noise then construction started in our building just after 3th attempt at the top floor ( just above our flat). I was not able to focus at all. We requested them, but they declined😡, and after this, my parents started searching for a new house. Luckily, we found a home in the same building bottom floor for rent. Finally, I shifted my whole material into this new house, and this entire process took around 12–15 days.😞
After all, my jee mains attempts my best percentile was 99.22%ile and rank of 8037 in Jee mains examination and finally after a struggle of 2.5 years 3rd Oct day of Jee advance examination and 15th Oct the result day I finally cleared Jee advance with the rank of 4037.😎
I was very happy no one in my family/relatives or even whose Surname is Mahangade made into IIT (most of them don't even know what IIT is). All my friends also clear Jee advance this day was memorable for me. Now it is Celebration time😎🥳🥳
I hope you have learned something from my story no matter if you are weak in any field only the things matter is your consistency, hard work, and focus which helps me in clearing the toughest exam.
~Parth Subhash Mahangade
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